Coordination Information

2024 broadly marks the 25th anniversary of Australian service in Timor-Leste, which spanned from 1999 to 2013 in the main, with the AFP continuing a deployment still today. All up the ADF encompassed seven discrete operations. At the time of this pasot, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs has been granted approval to propose the following activities with will be discussed at a planning committee meeting this week:

  • 14 September 2024. Australian Peacekeeper Day. This would serve as the official ‘launch’ date for the Commemorative Program, with the Australian Peacekeepers and Peacemakers Veterans Association’s annual commemorative service to be conducted at the Australian Peacekeepers Memorial, Anzac Parade, Canberra
  • 17 September 2024. An educational seminar at the Australian Defence Force Academy.
  • 20 September 2024. A National Commemorative Service at the Australian Peacekeeping Memorial, Anzac Parade, Canberra, to mark the anniversary. This Service will be broadcast across Australia on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

It is important to note that Australians were involved in Timor-Leste prior to the deployment of INTERFET and there are Australians there now. The date selected for the Commemorative Program does not intend to diminish this service, and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs will ensure this service is acknowledged and recognised throughout the broader Commemorative Program in a similar manner to those who served post-INTERFET.

Single Location to Display All Commemorative Activities

We will make this page available as a single location for an overview of all commemorative activities arranged by DVA, the ADF, AFP, DFAT, AEC and all other Australian government and non government departments and all private activities that wish to share their details. We hope this assists visibility of all activities and contributes to attendance and awareness.

List Your Activity

List your commemorative activity in the form below and we will publish the details you approve us to release. The more that is known before the planning committee meeting on 12 June 2024 the better. Then we can add to it as the planning continues.

Known Comemorative Activities

Australian Peacekeeper Day
14 September 2024
Location: Australian Peacekeeping Memorial, Anzac Parade Canberra
Description: Commemoration of Australian Peacekeeping Operations
Website and Social Media:

POC: Matt Burke, OAM
Mobile: 0408 307 824