National Network of Like Minded Organisations

Our network is comprised of organisations that share our mission of fostering a unified Veteran and Veteran Family Community supported by allied health and other medical professionals. By coming together, we aim to provide support, resources, and opportunities to veterans and their families.

To ensure the highest level of service and protection for our community members, all organisations within the network adhere to a defined standard of governance that equates to the standards defined by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). This ensures compliance and safeguards vulnerable individuals, including the disabled and children.

We reinforce the effectiveness of the network we have implemented a feedback system similar to Google rankings, which allows us to receive valuable advice whenever we refer someone to one of our network organisations. This helps us continually improve and tailor our support to meet the unique needs of our community.

National Network of Like Minded Veteran and Veteran Family Organisations