Structure and Governance

The Australian Peacekeeper and Peacemaker Veterans' Association (APPVA) is a company limited by guarantee with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). It is also registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission (ACNC). Therefore, for regulatory matters the APPVA is governed by:

  • ASIC for anything relating to its corporate status, and
  • the ACNC for anything relating to its charitable status.

The governance model has board of directors responsible for setting and monitoring the strategic direction of the APPVA, and a management committee accountable for operating the APPVA on a day-to-day basis.

The Board

Patron - Australian Peacekeeper and Peacemaker Veterans' Association

Colonel Mary Brandy, CSM (Ret'd)


Our Board Of Directors

Ian Lindgren


Mark Horner

Company Secretary

Chris Moss

Vice Chairperson and Executive Director

Tom Hanley

Executive Director

Andrew Jenkins

Executive Director

Mischa Damon

Non-Executive Director

Jess Suillivan

Executive Director

Pauline Ryan

Executive Director

Nathan Bradney

Executive Director

Our Management Committee

Ian Lindgren

Chairperson and ACT Representative

Mark Hormer

Company Secretary

Rod Hutchings

Social Media Manager

Steve Danaher

Western Australian Representative

Paul Walker

FNQ Representative

Matt Burke, OAM

NSW Representative

Tom Hanley

VIC Representative

John Findlater

TAS Representative

Key Volunteer Positions

Dr Tony Brady

APPVA Official Historian

Rev Steve Neuhaus RFD

APPVA Honorary Padre

Issues and Research Team

Guy Richardson

Jess Sullivan