Points of Contact
Media and General Point of Contact
Rod Henderson
Chief Executive Officer
Email: rod.henderson@peacekeepers.asn.au
Mobile: 0411 148 487
Ian Lindgren
Email: ian.lindgren@peacekeepers.asn.au
Mobile: 0414 245 254
Mark Horner
Company Secretary
Australian Peacekeeper and Peacemaker Veterans’ Association Ltd
Suite 6, 18 Napier Close Deakin ACT 2600
PO Box 115, Deakin West ACT 2600
Email: mark.horner@peacekeepers.asn.au
Australian Peacekeeper Magazine
Jess Sullivan
Email: jessica.sullivan@peacekeepers.asn.au
Phone: 0417 832 476
We would like to acknowledge the Australian Defence Force Media Library as the source of many of the images used on this website. We do not sell or make any form of income through the use of these images.