Our Purpose
To support the transition, health and wellbeing of all veterans and their families so that they feel valued and can atain stability in life after service.
Our definition of veteran includes ADF veterans, and anyone who has deployed on peacekeeping or peacemaking operations such as DFAT members, the Australian Electoral Commission and civilian peace monitors.
Our Core Values
To engage with like minded veterans and veteran community organistions because together we can pool our resources and give a greater representation of veterans to the Commonwealth. | To connect all stakeholders through services that are purpose built to give professional representation to all who do not feel they have a voice locally or nationally, and to disseminate issues and information. | To respect the contributions made by participants in modern operations and demonstrate this by appointing younger veterans to representational positions and giving them ownership. |
Our Corporate Sponsors
We thank our corporate sponsors for having the belief in us to achieve our goals. Their partnership enables us to have greater impact and innovation.
Join Us
Experience a new generation of veteran organisation that you can comfortably trust as your trusted source of truth and will represent you and all veterans, veteran family members and the wider veteran support network such as the medical community.
We respect the contributions made by participants in modern operations and demonstrate this by appointing young veterans to representational positions.
By uniting like-minded individuals and organisations, including all those who support our community we are transforming the veteran and veteran family landscape for the greater good.
Our promise is to provide an unwavering commitment to all veterans and their families because no veteran or veteran family should ever feel isolated or underrepresented.
These are the tasls we are working on
And we'd like to do these as well